Beiträge: 757
Themen: 121
Registriert seit: Jan 2005
Ages of players are currently displayed like "18,5", which makes no sense since we are all accustomed to give our ages in months and/or weeks, not in fractions of a year. Therefore I would like very much for the display to be changed to "18:6:2", "18:184" or something similar, as it would be more communicative that way.
Beiträge: 3.346
Themen: 465
Registriert seit: Sep 2004
I agree with you, but it's not as important as other features. We can put this bakside, but don't forget it! :wink:
Beiträge: 3.178
Themen: 348
Registriert seit: Jul 2004
Well, the age shown at the lineups and in the player description is the current age and there is no 18,5 it's just 18.
In the statistics, the average age is shown and this is an imaginary number, so I really don't care about the way of presentation.
Beiträge: 757
Themen: 121
Registriert seit: Jan 2005
I agree that the average age of teams/lineups may be expressed by means of fractions (after all it's not a real age, only a mathematical concept). But I'd insist on displaying days or months/weeks in the oldest/youngest players lists. It's a cool feature that is not found in any other league management program and I wish it would work perfectly.
Beiträge: 16.126
Themen: 2.167
Registriert seit: Aug 2004
In den Oldie-/Youngster-Listen hätte das tatsächlich Sinn...
Wenn man schon mal Extreme dieser Hinsicht irgendwo liest, hat man oft Angaben wie "17 Jahre 2 Monate und 5 Tage beim ersten Einsatz".
Mehr als 90 Datenbanken - und Platz für noch mehr...
![[Bild: dfsdb_info_banner_400_55.png]](
Beiträge: 3.178
Themen: 348
Registriert seit: Jul 2004
Zitat:...But I'd insist on displaying days or months/weeks in the oldest/youngest players lists. It's a cool feature that is not found in any other league management program and I wish it would work perfectly.
Youre perfectly right, these lists are the only ones where the exact age (in years/months/days) is appropriate. I also would prefer that kind of presentation there...
Beiträge: 31.143
Themen: 2.894
Registriert seit: Jan 2004
Daran werde ich nichts ändern.
Beiträge: 31.143
Themen: 2.894
Registriert seit: Jan 2004
Da gerade Nuri Sahin in aller Munde ist und vermutlich der jüngste BL-Spieler aller Zeiten sein wird (bei Einsatz bis Spieltag 8), habe ich hier doch noch eine Erweiterung reingebracht:
Das Alter in Jahren, Monaten, Tagen kann man sich per Tooltip anschauen.