FF Erweiterung: Alle Tabs als Thumbnails anzeigen
Habe gerade eine neue Erweiterung in FF installiert. Mit der Erweiterung können alle geöffneten Seiten als kleine Bilder angezeigt werden. Hier die engl. Beschreibung:

Showcase is an extension thought to easily locate and select any open browser window in your system.

You can use it in two ways: global mode (F12) or local mode (Shift + F12). In global mode, a new window will be opened with thumbnails of the browsers you've opened in all windows. In local mode, only tabbed browsers of your current window will be shown.

Just click the thumbnail of the browser you want, and it will be shown to you automatically. You can also right click in those thumbnails to perform the most usual operations on them. Mouse middle button can be used to zoom a thumbnail, although other actions can be assigned to it.

Check the extension options panel for a wide array of configuration possibilities.

New buttons will be available for your toolbar. "Showcase" is also available in your "View" menu. Remember that you you can assign another keyboard shortcut to "Showcase" using the KeyConfig extension.

Die Adresse zum Download und zur weiteren Info;


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